Cls21 Podcast Hero Episode 1 Wr Changes

In December 2022 the Government passed the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill 2022 to tackle a number of issues raised at the September 2022 National Jobs and Skills Summit.

The Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill, along with several other Bills brings a number of changes employers need to be aware of in terms of employment, workplace issues and legal responsibilities.

We discuss the changes and how they will impact employers, including:

  1. Institutions that operate in the employment space
  2. Flexible working arrangements
  3. Job security and gender equality
  4. Family domestic violence and paid parental leave

Over the coming months, the Better for Business podcast series will be tackling the extensive changes and help listeners take care of business. Our next podcast will focus on changes to Enterprise Agreement bargaining. So be sure to tune in for that.

The Better for Business podcast series provides insightful discussion on some of the biggest changes in the employment arena since 2009. What do employers need to be aware of and how can you prepare your business for further changes to take place during 2023. Listen to Episode 1 now.

Episode highlights

  • How the transfer of functions of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and Registered Organisations Commission to the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) a impacts on businesses
  • Flexible working arrangements (FWA) come into effect June 2023. Now is the time to be reviewing your current practices for considering and responding to requests for FWA and updating or implementing policies or procedures on FWA to ensure they align with the changes
  • Introduction of prohibitions around fixed term contracts. We discuss the prohibitions and what businesses need to do before December 2023 to comply with the new regulations
  • Prohibiting pay secrecy in employment contracts to address the gender wage gap between males and females and what that means for businesses
  • Leave allowance updates:
    • All employees will have access to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave
    • Proposed change to Parental Leave Pay AND Dad & partner pay where they will be combined into a single pool of leave

Industrial Relations Laws 2023

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